
The most important thing…
Each of us is linked together into a single living entity. These links are not limited to the human world; they extend to the natural

Midnight Musings
Sleep tonight is not going well. On such night’s I generally get up and do something. Yoga works, sometimes. Other times I will get up

Moments of Resiliency
Sharing an experience and story on difference making, self-crediting, and appreciation.

I put this slideshow together as a practice in appreciation. An opportunity to appreciate a few of the people in my life and relatively recent

Stepping into a New Future
When I awoke this morning I was reflecting on the current occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon by a group of out

Acting on a prayer for Love
I was thinking of God recently. I was hearing a voice of love. You might not believe in God. And that’s OK. If we sat

Moldova and Uganda Part II: A Deeper Listening is Necessary
Moldova update (I will write later on Uganda) The purpose of my trip to Moldova in September and October was to deepen my understanding of

Moldova and Uganda – Part 1
I returned recently from my trip to Moldova and Uganda. The purpose of these trips were to conduct psychosocial assessments and to explore possible future