
The Face of Hope: Part II
My interest in the topic of hope began in the fall of 2011. I was looking for a thesis question as part of my graduate

Creating a Space for Hope
We live in an increasingly multicultural and multiethnic society. Our world community is getting smaller with distinctions and boundaries blurring. It is a time of

Moldova: Creating hope (video)
This video is part of my graduate school thesis project in Community Counseling at Northwest Christian University. The question guiding my thesis work was, “How

Notes from my journal: Interdependence is more important than independence. Rather than creating a safe environment look to develop courage and compassion. The path is

Take a moment
The past is a memory. Draw richly from it… with gratitude. And the future, my you draw forth hope and possibility. Is your past one

Moldova: The Faces of Hope trailer
This is a video trailer for a project related to my graduate work in counseling. The photos and video were taken in Moldova (Eastern Europe).

Letter to my father: Acknowledging our shared humanity
Several years ago I wrote a letter to my father. The purpose of the letter was to establish a sense of completion and fulfillment in

Developing an Approach to Counseling
Summary Human beings share a desire to belong, to contribute, and to make a meaningful difference in the world. While people share a desire to

From Worry to Peace of Mind
I recall clearly riding my tricycle, as a child, and accidentally riding over a bee. I am not sure how old I was, perhaps four