The Gift
Think of the people in your life. Even those you are having difficulty with. Pick one of them. Write them a letter, create a card to send, a piece of art, something to encourage the person you have chosen. You may or may not send it. In fact, in some instances it might be best […]
Developing Resiliency in Distressing Times
We live in disruptive times. In the midst of many good advances in society we are also experiencing increasing trauma and disruptive effects. And advances in technology have helped create a global environment in which we are instantly informed of these disruptive effects. Traumatic events in one part of the world can cause disruptive effects […]
The Nature of Hope
Writing about hope, in part, is meant to appease my curiosity and interest in the topic. Of course, I will be grateful if what I have to share is helpful to others in some small way. But whether or not these posting are of interest to others is not as important as exploring and sharing […]
The Face of Hope: Part II
My interest in the topic of hope began in the fall of 2011. I was looking for a thesis question as part of my graduate school program. Condensing my thesis question into one sentence was seeming almost impossible. I was looking for a question that would work cross-culturally, offer simplicity, and yet have some depth. This […]
Creating a Space for Hope
We live in an increasingly multicultural and multiethnic society. Our world community is getting smaller with distinctions and boundaries blurring. It is a time of increasing violence, poverty, corruption, and threats to democracy. Humanity is challenged, hope is challenged. Reality can give rise to fear, but can also give grounds for hope. I would like […]
Moldova: Creating hope (video)
This video is part of my graduate school thesis project in Community Counseling at Northwest Christian University. The question guiding my thesis work was, “How do we create hope in the face of distressing circumstances?” Moldova was the focus of this thesis. Our team to Moldova consisted of two professors and seven graduate students from […]
Notes from my journal: Interdependence is more important than independence. Rather than creating a safe environment look to develop courage and compassion. The path is not always safe. People do not care how much you know about them once they know how much you care. Choose adventure and service over safety and self-interest. Choose collaboration […]
Take a moment
The past is a memory. Draw richly from it… with gratitude. And the future, my you draw forth hope and possibility. Is your past one of beauty and light? No matter how it may appear, you get to choose. It may not be easy. It may take a heart willing to shine the light of […]
Leading in times of uncertainty
No one person is leading others. We are all being lead by certain principles, values, and attributes. We share a common desire to live meaningful lives and for our families, businesses, and communities to be healthy and prosper. Yet, in times of uncertainty it’s easy to slip into fear and react instead of considering a […]
Entrepreneur Spirit
The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore. ~ Vincent van Gogh Most of us will greet the New Year with at least some degree of uncertainty. Predicting where we will be in 5-10 years is increasingly difficult. Many […]