A Practice For Troubled Times

Pause for a moment. Gaze into this scene from nature, and as you gaze upon this scene, notice. Be attentive and aware of the detail, color, and context. Name what you see:A rock sitting in the middle of a creek.Water surrounds the stone in stillness.Forest shadows resting upon the water.Branches covered in green moss. Please […]
Creating New Life

Outside of Blue River, Oregon, where the community was devastated by the Holiday Farm Fire less than two years ago. Nature is coming back, giving birth to new life. May we find new life through these disruptive, sometimes devastating, times.

Adversity—if you know how to approach it—is a powerful means to awaken and grow. “Bad” karma is an opportunity.
I’m Alive!

I’m alive! How amazing, I’m alive! Recently I was reading conspiracy theories to learn what some of them are. After a couple of days of reading conspiracy theories, I noticed increasing sensations of fear and doom! Fortunately, I shifted my reading and thoughts to lessons and words of courage, compassion, wisdom, discernment, and love. The […]
How Do You Create and Sustain Hope in the Face of Adversity?

How do you create and sustain hope in the face of distressing circumstances? The world is woven of interconnected threads–we are each linked together. These links are not limited to the human world; they extend to the natural world and all existence. You exist in relationship. In the most challenging times, you have an opportunity […]
Taking the path less traveled

During a bike ride to the office, I paused to share an experience that seems relevant during this time of uncertainty.
Being the Master of our Mind

Early this morning, I was lying in bed with thoughts of the current crisis in this county. These are simply some wandering thoughts that came to me long before sunrise. It truly is a crisis in the sense that the impact of the coronavirus will likely have a devastating effect on our economy nationally and […]
Midnight Musings

Sleep tonight is not going well. On such night’s I generally get up and do something. Yoga works, sometimes. Other times I will get up and make coffee and then read or write in my journal. Eventually, fatigue takes over and I’m off to bed. At this early hour today I’m doing some stream of […]
Moments of Resiliency

Sharing an experience and story on difference making, self-crediting, and appreciation.
Stepping into a New Future

When I awoke this morning I was reflecting on the current occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon by a group of out of state militants. I was reminded of something I wrote some time ago. Most of us greet the New Year with at least some degree of uncertainty. Predicting where we […]