Taking the path less traveled
During a bike ride to the office, I paused to share an experience that seems relevant during this time of uncertainty.
Moments of Resiliency
Sharing an experience and story on difference making, self-crediting, and appreciation.
Stepping into a New Future
When I awoke this morning I was reflecting on the current occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon by a group of out of state militants. I was reminded of something I wrote some time ago. Most of us greet the New Year with at least some degree of uncertainty. Predicting where we […]
Moments of Gratitude
Let’s take a moment and to do an inventory of what we have to appreciate. Pay attention to the moment. Search and notice what there is to appreciate. No matter what the circumstances, if we pay close attention we will find something to be grateful for, to appreciate. Take action by actually appreciating. We can […]
Beyond Difference: Acknowledging our shared culture
It is important to celebrate our heritage, be it cultural, ethnic or spiritual. It is also important to respect those of others. However, only acknowledging what makes us different from others, while ignoring the common source of life that connects us all, leads to divisiveness rather than harmony. Our true identity is to be found […]
Entrepreneur Spirit
The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore. ~ Vincent van Gogh Most of us will greet the New Year with at least some degree of uncertainty. Predicting where we will be in 5-10 years is increasingly difficult. Many […]
Initiative, persistence and progress
When I left Eugene for a two week vacation on the coast of Maine awhile back I brought along a Bike Friday. I saw it as a way to enjoy a bit of solitude while visiting my new in-laws. While visiting the coast of Maine I used my bike for brief trips to visit my […]