Being the Master of our Mind
Early this morning, I was lying in bed with thoughts of the current crisis in this county. These are simply some wandering thoughts that came to me long before sunrise. It truly is a crisis in the sense that the impact of the coronavirus will likely have a devastating effect on our economy nationally and […]
One of my daily practices is journaling. I generally use a variation on the practice of active imagination. In the 90s, I did a lot of dream work. Writing on dreams quickly shifted to conducting intuitive dialogues (active imagination). There was a series of books that came out at that time entitled “Conversations with God.” […]
I put this slideshow together as a practice in appreciation. An opportunity to appreciate a few of the people in my life and relatively recent experiences. It was also an opportunity to practice putting a slideshow together. Some of the photos were taken close to home and others are from work in Moldova and Uganda. […]
Moldova and Uganda – Part 1
I returned recently from my trip to Moldova and Uganda. The purpose of these trips were to conduct psychosocial assessments and to explore possible future projects. In addition to conducting assessments I was intent in deepening my understanding of the culture and the people in both countries. Rather than write up my whole experience in […]
The Gift
Think of the people in your life. Even those you are having difficulty with. Pick one of them. Write them a letter, create a card to send, a piece of art, something to encourage the person you have chosen. You may or may not send it. In fact, in some instances it might be best […]
Developing Resiliency in Distressing Times
We live in disruptive times. In the midst of many good advances in society we are also experiencing increasing trauma and disruptive effects. And advances in technology have helped create a global environment in which we are instantly informed of these disruptive effects. Traumatic events in one part of the world can cause disruptive effects […]
Dialogue: Curiosity Inspires Hope
From time to time, I would like to share notes from my journals. When possible, I will cite the sources; however, my early readings were not well cited. The best I can do in some instances is to cite whom I quoted and the date of the notes. I came across some notes in my […]