The most important thing…

Each of us is linked together into a single living entity. These links are not limited to the human world; they extend to the natural world and the cosmos and all existence. Everyone and everything exists in relationship. Relationships serve as a mirror for our relationship with life. Each of us has been given the […]
Moments of Resiliency

Sharing an experience and story on difference making, self-crediting, and appreciation.

I put this slideshow together as a practice in appreciation. An opportunity to appreciate a few of the people in my life and relatively recent experiences. It was also an opportunity to practice putting a slideshow together. Some of the photos were taken close to home and others are from work in Moldova and Uganda. […]
Moldova and Uganda Part II: A Deeper Listening is Necessary

Moldova update (I will write later on Uganda) The purpose of my trip to Moldova in September and October was to deepen my understanding of the culture and region of Moldova and to assess whether or not there is a future project that could make a sustainable difference. Progress was made in deepening my understanding […]
Moldova and Uganda – Part 1

I returned recently from my trip to Moldova and Uganda. The purpose of these trips were to conduct psychosocial assessments and to explore possible future projects. In addition to conducting assessments I was intent in deepening my understanding of the culture and the people in both countries. Rather than write up my whole experience in […]
The Three Questions

The Three Questions is a story by Tolstoy concerning an emperor who, in the course of ruling his realm, confronts three questions. The first question is: “What is the best time to start a task? How does on avoid missing the appropriate time, so that one may have no regret?” The second question is: “What […]
To Notice

The desire to be noticed is human. Perhaps it is in our DNA. Perhaps it is part of the attraction of Facebook? We so desire to be noticed, appreciated, and to know that our time here has made a difference. So if you notice that you have some urge to be noticed, let go of […]
Moments of Gratitude

Let’s take a moment and to do an inventory of what we have to appreciate. Pay attention to the moment. Search and notice what there is to appreciate. No matter what the circumstances, if we pay close attention we will find something to be grateful for, to appreciate. Take action by actually appreciating. We can […]
The Gift

Think of the people in your life. Even those you are having difficulty with. Pick one of them. Write them a letter, create a card to send, a piece of art, something to encourage the person you have chosen. You may or may not send it. In fact, in some instances it might be best […]
Dialogue: Curiosity Inspires Hope

From time to time, I would like to share notes from my journals. When possible, I will cite the sources; however, my early readings were not well cited. The best I can do in some instances is to cite whom I quoted and the date of the notes. I came across some notes in my […]